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IV dressings built to secure and protect

Help secure and protect with our family of 3M™ Tegaderm™ IV Dressings

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The right IV dressing matters

We offer a comprehensive range of reliable intravenous (IV) dressings, specifically designed for all catheter types. Our broad portfolio of IV dressings makes it easy for you to choose the right product for your patient. We can help you deliver compassionate care with evidence-based products to help prevent the risks of costly complications and improve patient satisfaction.

3M™ Tegaderm™ Dressings Family Demo page, Illustrations, Eloqua Email Hero Image, 1200x400, rgb, png, Original Illustrations were created by agency MVP, see PDF ID 2161773

The science behind our IV dressings

Backed by 40 years of IV care science and innovation, Tegaderm IV Dressings are designed to provide breakthrough solutions that protect, support and help your patients heal. Dressing categories include:

Antimicrobial protection 
Includes IV dressings containing 2% CHG and proven to suppress regrowth of skin flora for up to 7 days for sustained antimicrobial protection1 . Our Tegaderm CHG I.V. securement dressing solution meets the Infusion Nurse Society's highest-level recommendation to use chlorhexidine-impregnated dressings to reduce the risk of catheter-associated bloodstream infection (CABSI).2


Catheter securement 

Designed to provide reliable securement, site visibility and breathability all in one product. These dressings are comfortable to wear for up to seven days and meet the Infusion Nurses Society definition of a securement device.2

Bacterial and viral barrier* 

The original Tegaderm Dressing was launched in 1981 and provides a waterproof, sterile barrier to external contaminants with transparency for easy monitoring.

Tegaderm 1657 CHG Dressing, application to arm, white background

Tegaderm CHG IV securement dressings

Tegaderm 1657 CHG Dressing, application to arm, white background

The choice is clear

3M™ Tegaderm™ CHG Chlorhexidine Gluconate IV Securement Dressings are the only transparent dressing cleared by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to reduce catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSI) and vascular catheter colonization, that aligns with evidence-based guidelines and practice standards.

How Tegaderm CHG Chlorhexidine Gluconate IV securement dressings can benefit you and your patients:

Infection reduction — provides antimicrobial protection 

Cleared and clinically proven to reduce CRBSI. Meets standards and guidelines, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines recommendation for the use of chlorhexidine-impregnated dressing with a FDA indication to reduce CRBSI. 

Site visibility — easily monitor IV sites  

Transparent dressing and gel pad enable early identification of potential complications at the IV site and meet Infusion Nurses Society (INS) recommendation to assess the IV site and surrounding area by visual inspection.1

Catheter securement — securely hold catheters in place

Designed to minimise catheter movement and dislodgement and meets the INS definition of an Engineered Stabilisation Device (ESD).3  

Ease of use — easily apply and remove 

The integrated CHG gel pad and dressing are designed to ensure standardised, correct application.4

How Tegaderm CHG IV dressings align to industry guidelines

Align your infection prevention protocols with evidence-based guidelines and practice standards to help minimise IV site complications. Many of the world’s well-regarded organisations recommend the use of the 3M™ Tegaderm™ CHG I.V. Securement Dressing to help reduce vascular catheter colonisation and other complications — helping to deliver the highest level of care to your patients. 

The NICE Accreditation, Medical technologies guidance (2019)

The Tegaderm CHG I.V. securement dressing should be considered for use in critically ill adults who need a central venous or arterial catheter in intensive care or high dependency units.5 Tegaderm CHG IV securement dressing is intended to reduce vascular catheter colonisation and CRBSI in patients with central venous or arterial catheters. 

Icon of an award ribbon with a checkmark.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 

For patients aged 18 years and older: Chlorhexidine-impregnated dressings with an FDA-cleared label that specifies a clinical indication for CRBSI or CABSI are recommended to protect the insertion site of short-term, non-tunneled CVCs. (Category IA, level one recommendation from CDC)

Icon of a shield with a checkmark.

Infusion Nurses Society (INS) 

Use chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG)-containing dressings to prevent CLABSIs in patients greater than 2 months of age with short-term CVADs, unless contraindicated (e.g., sensitivity or allergy to CHG), including patients with oncohematological disease. Std. 47, S171 (Level I)2

Catheter-related infection reduction has also been observed in both inpatient and outpatient haemodialysis patients with the addition of a CHG-containing dressing. Std. 47, S171 (Level III)2

Consider the use of chlorhexidine-impregnated dressings for patients with an epidural access device. A significant reduction in epidural skin colonisation and catheter tip colonisation has been demonstrated with their use. Std. 53, S198 (Level I)2

Icon of a curvy medical cross to represent medical solutions..

Tegaderm CHG products

Tegaderm CHG resources

Turn to our educational materials to help you meet a variety of clinical goals. Learn about solutions based on your planned application.


3M Tegaderm CHG Dressings Guide

Clinical evidence and full descriptions of the 3M Tegaderm CHG Dressings range
Tegaderm CHG dressing family preview

Clinical evidence summary

3M™ Tegaderm™ CHG Dressing Clinical Summaries

View clinical evidence for 3M™ Tegaderm™ CHG Dressing in the areas of infection reduction, antimicrobial protection, ease of use and health economics.
Tegaderm CHG studies preview

Product comparison

Tegaderm CHG vs BioPatch: The difference is clear

View the product comparison flier to see how Tegaderm CHG IV securement dressings compare to BioPatch® Disks with CHG in multiple design and performance categories
Tegaderm CHG versus BioPatch preview

Tegaderm IV advanced securement dressings

Reliable securement solutions that help prevent complications

Catheter movement is a prevalent problem. Up to one-third of vascular access devices become dislodged.7 Properly securing IV lines is a key part of maintaining quality care and patient satisfaction. Help stabilise catheters and minimize movement and dislodgement with 3M™ Tegaderm™ IV Advanced Securement Dressing and PICC CVC Securement Device + Tegaderm IV Advanced Securement Dressing.

Tegaderm IV Advanced securement dressings can help facilities manage IV site care costs by potentially reducing the number of dressing changes and catheter restarts. The transparent film allows for continuous monitoring of the insertion site. The dressing may be worn for the life of a PIV catheter and provides up to 7 days of wear time for CVCs.8 A waterproof film coating on all pieces resists soiling and provides a barrier to external contaminants, including liquids, bacteria and viruses.*

The PICC/CVC securement device + Tegaderm IV advanced securement dressing is a sutureless securement system that provides reliable PICC/CVC securement without sacrificing patient comfort. It includes an adhesive catheter securement device plus an IV securement dressing to help you avoid the clinical, financial and emotional costs of PICC/CVC complications, including needlestick injuries.

* In vitro testing shows that the transparent film of Tegaderm brand dressings provide a viral barrier for viruses 27 nm in diameter or larger while the dressing remains intact without leakage.   

Tegaderm transparent film dressings

A versatile, transparent barrier to contaminants

For more than 40 years, our 3M™ Tegaderm™ transparent film dressings have been recognised as the best practice recommendation for the minimum standard of IV care and maintenance.10 They provide a versatile, waterproof sterile barrier to external contaminants including bacteria, viruses*, blood and bodily fluids. These transparent dressings provide full site visibility for precise placement and continuous monitoring to help minimise unnecessary dressing changes.

* In vitro testing shows that the transparent film of Tegaderm brand dressings provide a viral barrier for viruses 27 nm in diameter or larger while the dressing remains intact without leakage. 334–343.

IV dressing training videos

0:00 / 3:33

Tegaderm™ CHG Dressing (1657) Application & Removal

0:00 / 3:03

3M™ Tegaderm™ CHG Chlorhexidine Gluconate I.V. Securement Dressing 1659R on PICC with SecuAcath

0:00 / 3:36

Tegaderm™ CHG (1660) - Application for PIV Video

0:00 / 4:25

Tegaderm™ CHG 1657 Application for IJ - DV

0:00 / 4:32

Tegaderm™ CHG (1657) - Application & Removal for PICCs - DV

0:00 / 5:55

Tegaderm™ CHG 1658 Application for PICC - DV

0:00 / 4:28

PICC CVC Device 1877-2100 for PICC Application Video

0:00 / 3:30

3M™ Tegaderm™ CHG (1664, 1665) Application and Removal Video: for Dual Port

0:00 / 3:23

3M™ Tegaderm™ CHG 1665R Port Dressing Application and Removal Video CER-en

0:00 / 4:11

3M™ Tegaderm™ CHG Gel Pad (1664) Application and Removal Video: for Intravascular Devices

0:00 / 1:59

3M™ Tegaderm™ CHG Gel Pad (1664) Application and Removal Video: for Drains, External Fixator Pins

0:00 / 2:32

3M™ Tegaderm™ Antimicrobial I.V. Advanced Securement Dressing (9132) Application and Removal video

0:00 / 2:33

Tegaderm™ I.V. Advanced Securement Dressing (1685) Application & Removal

0:00 / 2:54

Tegaderm™ IV Advanced Securement Dressing (1685) Application & Removal Multi-Lumen Introducers

0:00 / 2:34

Tegaderm™ IV Advanced Dressing 1683 for PIV Application Video

0:00 / 3:25

Tegaderm IV Advanced Dressing Pediatric Video application

PICC CVC Device 1877-2100 For CVC Application Video

PICC CVC Device 1837-2100 for CVC Application Video

PICC CVC Device 1837-2100 for PICC Application Video

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  1. Bashir MH, Olson LK, Walters SA. Suppression of regrowth of normal skin flora under chlorhexidine gluconate dressings applied to chlorhexidine gluconate-prepped skin. Am J Infec Control. 2012;40:344-348. 
  2. Nickel B, Gorski L, Kleidon T, Kyes A, DeVries M, Keogh S, Meyer B, Sarver MJ, Crickman R, Ong J, Clare S, Hagle ME. Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice, 9th Edition. J Infus Nurs. 2024 Jan-Feb 01;47(1S Suppl 1):S1-S285. doi: 10.1097/NAN.0000000000000532. PMID: 38211609.
© 2024 Infusion Nurses Society (INS). Excerpts used by explicit permission from INS. No endorsement is implied or given.
  3. Infusion Nurses Society (INS): Gorski L, Hadaway L, Hagle ME, McGoldrick M, Orr M, Doellman D. Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice. J Infus Nurs. 2016;39(suppl 1):S1-S59. 
  4. Kohan CA, Boyce JM. A Different Experience with Two Different Chlorhexidine Gluconate Dressings for Use on Central Venous Devices. Am J Infect Control. 2013;41(6):S142–S143 
  5. Medical technologies guidance [MTG25] Published date: September 2019. The 3M Tegaderm CHG IV securement dressing for central venous and arterial catheter insertion sites
  6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): O’Grady NP, Alexander M, Burns LA, et al. Guidelines for the prevention of intravascular catheter-related infections. Clin Infect Dis. 2011;52(9):e162-e193 
  7. Jackson A. Retrospective comparative audit of two peripheral IV securement dressings. Br J Nurs. 2012;21(2 Suppl):1015. 
  8. O’Grady, N et al. (2011). Guidelines for the Prevention of Intravascular Catheter-Related Infections, 2011. 
  9. 3M Data on file (05-012089). 
  10. Gorski LA, Hadaway L., Hagle ME, et al. Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice. J Infus Nurs. 2021;42, Standard 42.4, Practice Recommendation K1.