Low temperature sterilisation solutions
Gain confidence with our sterilisation assurance solutions
Understanding sterilisation isn't a one-size-fits-all process; it is an important step to enhance your patients’ safety by integrating the right combination of low-temperature sterilisation assurance solutions to monitor fragile medical instruments, including flexible and robotic endoscopes.
Gain confidence with proven tools for vaporised hydrogen peroxide (VH2O2), made for heat and moisture-sensitive devices that cannot be exposed to steam.
Our sterilisation assurance products help you assure effective medical device processing, using low-temperature approaches that support safer healthcare.
3M Attest Auto-readers
Get results for both steam and vaporised hydrogen peroxide (VH2O2) with one reader in just 24 minutes.*
Place any Attest Super Rapid Readout Biological Indicators for Steam and Attest Rapid Biological Indicator for VH2O2 in any well of the 3M™ Attest™ Auto-Reader 490 and 3M™ Attest™ Mini Auto-Reader 490M at the same time.
*When used with Attest Mini Auto-reader 490M or with Attest Auto-reader 490 or 490H with software version 4.2.7 or greater.
VH2O2 fundamentals with Solventum
Explore our video series on vaporised hydrogen peroxide (VH2O2) sterilisation monitoring solutions. Find out how biological indicators and chemical indicators allow you to confidently monitor every sterilisation cycle prior to instrument use so that every patient receives the highest level of care.
Introduction to 3M Attest Rapid Readout Technology
4 Videos