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3M™ Reston™ Self-Adhering Foam Pads/Rolls, 1560 Series

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3M™ Reston™ Self-Adhering Foam Pads/Rolls, 1560 Series

About the product

Self-Adhering Foam

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Product details

Self-adhering open cell foam designed to protect against skin damage from splints, casts and prostheses. Product is not intended to be used as a pressure reducing device. It can also be used as a padding for beds and chairs
  • Versatile padding adheres well to a variety of surfaces
  • Lightweight and conformable padding can be cut, layered and shaped, allowing it to be adapted for many applications
  • Available in medium- and high-support pads or light support foam roll to meet your application needs

Suggested Applications

  • Protect against skin damage from splints, casts and prostheses
  • May be used as padding for devices such as beds, chairs and operating room tables

Product specifications



Overall Height (Imperial)
Overall Height (Imperial)

0.49 in, 0.2 in, 0.98 in


5 m, 29.8 cm

Overall Length (Imperial)
Overall Length (Imperial)

11.73 in, 196.85 in

Overall Length (Metric)
Overall Length (Metric)

29.8 cm

Category Name
Category Name

Medical Securement Tapes & Wraps


20 cm, 10 cm

Overall Width (Imperial)
Overall Width (Imperial)

7.87 in, 3.94 in

Overall Height (Metric)
Overall Height (Metric)

1.25 cm, 0.5 cm, 2.5 cm

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