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3M™ Zeta Plus™ Encapsulated Filter Capsule with SP Grade Media

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3M™ Zeta Plus™ Encapsulated Filter Capsule with SP Grade Media

About the product

The 3M™ Zeta Plus™ Encapsulated Series Filter Capsule with SP Series Media is designed for bioprocessing, biological and small molecule pharmaceutical manufacturing applications where an optimized balance between throughput and particle removal efficiency is critical. The capsules have the same media as production products and are ideal for selecting media grades using low challenge fluid volumes.

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Product details

Predictable Performance at Every Stage

The 3M Zeta Plus Encapsulated Filter Capsules with SP Series Media comprises a mixture of high surface area inorganic particles, cellulose and a positively charged crosslinking polymer. This combination of filtration efficiency and throughput results from the balance among media porosity, depth and the relatively low-level anion exchange capacity: removing some negatively charged soluble contaminants and sub-micron particles via anion exchange, and larger particles by mechanical sieving. Dual layer media constructions result in high gradient porosity structures making the 3M™ Zeta Plus™ Encapsulated Filter Capsules with SP Series Media an excellent choice for biological challenges where depth loading is critical to attain high throughput.The 3M Zeta Plus Encapsulated Filter Capsules with SP Series Media is ideal for optimizing the filtration performance for each drug process by effectively screening the breadth of available media options. A scalable range of single-use filters enables predictable performance at every stage of drug development from early stage discovery to commercial production.

Pharmaceutical Grade Product

The 3M Zeta Plus Encapsulated Filter Capsules with SP Series Media is designed for use in the manufacture of biopharmaceutical, vaccine, blood fractionation and small molecule API drug substances. The effluent characteristics of the Zeta Plus SP Series filter media, capsules and cartridges have been tested following a number of protocols contained in the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) compendia. The manufacturing process, quality controls and regulatory oriented compliance reports are documented in a Drug Master File on record with the FDA.

Filtration Performance

Zeta Plus SP Series filter media is a mixture of high surface area inorganic particles, high surface area cellulose and a crosslinking polymer resin. The polymer resin has a positive charge because of a unique balance of secondary, tertiary and quaternary amines resulting in a relatively low anion exchange capacity. As such, 3M Zeta Plus Encapsulated Filter Capsules with SP Series Media products are a good choice in applications where the target product is negatively charged and product recovery may be of concern. By controlling the choice of raw materials and the formulation, a very large selection of filtration grades are produced, each with a unique balance of fine particle removal and throughput capacity.The 3M Zeta Plus Encapsulated Filter Capsules with SP Series Media grades are based on the combination of two distinct layers, or "zones," of single layer media where the upstream zone is more open than the downstream zone. This composite structure enhances the contaminant holding capacity when the optimum two-layer grade combination is selected. Larger particles are predominantly trapped in the upstream zone and smaller particles are trapped in the downstream zone, thereby extending service life.

Single-use Capsules

A full range of scalable filter product configurations enables predictable performance at every stage of drug development from early stage discovery to commercial production. Specifically, the 3M™ Encapsulated System enables a completely single-use solution to process from 0.5 L to 2500+ L of liquid. The BC25 laboratory capsule with 25 cm2 filter media is ideal for media grade screening using small liquid volumes. The scale-up capsules with 170 cm2, 340 cm2 and 1020 cm2 media are designed for scale-up studies and low volume production.

  • Zeta Plus™ SP Series filter media is offered in the largest selection of grades in the 3M depth filter portfolio
  • Large range of dual layer media combinations are offered resulting in high gradient porosity structures that can be optimized for throughput and removal efficiency in applications from cell culture harvest to fine clarification
  • BC25 Laboratory capsules contain same media as in production scale systems and are ideal for selecting the optimum media grade and media grade combination using low challenge fluid volumes
  • Full range of scalable single-use capsules enables predictable performance from the laboratory to commercial production
  • Novel shape to maintain the same lenticular flow path as larger capsules and cartridges

Product specifications


Biopharmaceutical manufacturing


16 in, 2.24 in, 7.99 in

Category Name
Category Name

Capsule Filters

Filter Technology
Filter Technology



16 in

Product Series
Product Series

SP, Encapsulated, EXT


05SP01A, 10SP02A, 90SP08A, 60SP03A, 60SP02A, 30SP03A, 50SP, 30SP01A, 30SP02A, 90SP05A, 60SP05A


45.2 cm


Capsule Filters


Zeta Plus™




40.64 cm, 5.7 cm

Overall Length (Imperial)
Overall Length (Imperial)

16 in, 2.24 in, 7.99 in

Overall Width (Metric)
Overall Width (Metric)

45.2 cm, 40.64 cm

Overall Diameter (Imperial)
Overall Diameter (Imperial)

15.98 in

Overall Length (Metric)
Overall Length (Metric)

40.64 cm, 5.7 cm, 20.3 cm


17.8 in

Overall Diameter (Metric)
Overall Diameter (Metric)

406.4 mm, 40.6 cm

Filter Type
Filter Type



SP, Encapsulated


Zeta Plus™

Overall Width (Imperial)
Overall Width (Imperial)

17.8 in, 16 in




Harvest and clarification

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