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Outsourced coding and CDI services

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Worried about finding and retaining qualified coders and CDI specialists?

For more than 30 years, Solventum HIS has delivered quality coding and CDI consulting services to health care providers nationwide—when and where they need help. Whether you need permanent staff replacements or temporary help, either onsite or in remote locations, Solventum has the answer. Our outsourced coders and CDI specialists are well-prepared in inpatient, outpatient, ambulatory or physician-based services.

Product Details

What outsourced services can Solventum offer?

Facility coding services


  • Behavioral Health/Rehab/Long-term care


  • Observation
  • Outpatient surgery
  • Interventional Radiology
  • Emergency room
  • Outpatient ancillary coding
  • Wound Care
  • Clinic/Urgent Care

Professional services coding

  • Evaluation and management (E/M)
  • Office/Clinical visits
  • Emergency/Urgent care
  • Ambulatory surgery
  • Radiology
  • Pathology

Clinical documentation integrity

  • Inpatient
  • Outpatient surgery
  • Emergency/Urgent care
  • Psych/Rehab/Long-term care
  • Observation

Ask yourself: What's keeping you up at night?

Do you have any open coding positions?
Fill them now with Solventum's experienced coders.

Does your coding quality meet the minimum acceptable standards?
Solventum can perform coding audits designed to achieve and maintain compliance standards.

Does bringing on new vendors take time that you don't have?
Let Solventum do the work for you.

Are you worried about training coders in more than one system?
Our coders and programs are "system agnostic." Solventum coders have specialized in various types of coding and coding systems, so we can quickly assign the appropriate resources for your organization.

Do you struggle to keep staff trained on new regulations and protocols?
Solventum coders are up-to-date with the latest insurance industry regulations, protocols and government compliance requirements.

Do you have a current backlog from vacations and unplanned absences?
Our coding teams are fully qualified, credentialed and ready to work.

Outsourced Coding and CDI services