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How can we infuse health equity into a system that wasn’t originally created with that goal in mind? Dr. Melissa Clarke sat down with Dr. Aditi Mallick, acting director of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Office of Minority Health (OMH) to discuss social drivers of health, risk adjustment and other factors that impact health equity. Discover CMS models that are currently being employed to advance health equity and dive into new models coming down the pipeline.

… to achieve health equity, we really have to understand where the disparities in coverage, access and experience of care and health outcomes exist and adjust our policies to eliminate those inequities. It's really about listening, centering people and continuing to hold ourselves accountable to meeting the needs of everyone, including underserved and under-heard communities.

Aditi Mallick, M.D., acting director, CMS Office of Minority Health

In this episode

Aditi Mallick, M.D.

Acting director


Melissa Clarke headshot 1800x1200
Melissa Clarke

Former chief population health officer, health care transformation and health equity
