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3M Oral Care, Global Scientific Affairs Manager

About the author

Dr. Miryam Schuckar

Dr. Miryam Schuckar studied dentistry at the Bauru Dental College, University of São Paulo and obtained her master’s degree (M.Sc.) in Esthetic Dentistry. Her doctorate degree (PhD) in Dentistry was obtained in 1995 from the Medical School of Hannover in Germany. She has long-term clinical and scientific experience as a dentist and lecturer for restorative dentistry and dental materials in Brazil and Germany, including participating in post-graduate programs and publishing many articles in important scientific magazines for dentistry. She has been featured as a speaker at international congresses including the International Association for Dental Research (IADR). Dr. Schuckar also volunteers with Adveniat, German Doctors e.V., and other non-profits on a variety of social projects such as the development of a children’s education center in Brazilian favelas. She joined 3M Oral Care in June 2018 as a Global Scientific Affairs Manager with global responsibility for Dental Adhesives and Light Curing Devices and is based in Seefeld, Germany.