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By selecting a dental adhesive from Solventum, you're not just choosing outstanding bond strength in any clinical situation. You're also simplifying your workflows, saving you valuable time and increasing efficiency.
The long-term success of your restorations depends on the performance of your adhesive. You can feel confident in your outcomes when using dental adhesives backed by over 50 years of scientific research and clinical history.
From universal to total-etch adhesive systems, we have a solution for long-lasting bonds with every etching technique and every dental substrate. Our adhesives promote strong bonding with streamlined protocols that enhance the reliability of your restorations.
High bond strength
Provide long-lasting restorations with clinically proven, gold standard bond strengths.
One-bottle versatility
Choose a universal adhesive suitable for all dental surfaces, all etching techniques and all direct and indirect restorations.
Virtually no sensitivity
Minimize post-operative sensitivity with your restorations for a better patient experience.
Featured dental adhesives
Scotchbond Universal Plus Adhesive
Upgrade your restorations with 3M™ Scotchbond™ Universal Plus Adhesive for dependable, high-quality results. This pioneering product features dentin-like radiopacity, strong bonding to caries-affected dentin and virtually no post-operative sensitivity. This versatile one-bottle system is suitable for all bonding procedures and etching techniques, enhancing simplicity and efficiency in your practice.
Technique: Total-etch, self-etch, selective etch Radiopaque: Yes Bonds and seals carries-affected dentin: Yes Needs separate primer for indirect indications: No Excellent bond strength: Yes Reduces post-operative sensitivty: Yes Indicated for all indirect restorations: Yes
Total-etch / self-etch
Adper Adhesives
Technique: Options for total-etch and self-etch Radiopaque: No Bonds and seals carries-affected dentin: No Needs separate primer for indirect indications: Yes Excellent bond strength: Yes Reduces post-operative sensitivty: Yes Indicated for all indirect restorations: Yes
Goodbye complexity
Eliminate the hassle and confusion of multiple resin cements, primers and adhesives and simplify your direct and indirect restorative workflows. Fewer products to keep on stock and replenish save you space, time and money.
3M™ RelyX™ Universal Resin Cement works both as a standalone, self-adhesive cement – and as an adhesive cement together with 3M™ Scotchbond™ Universal Plus Adhesive. The adhesive serves as a universal primer for all dental surfaces and covers all direct and indirect indications.